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I recently received an email forwarded to me from a friend.  This
email was written in response to the election results (P.S.  if you’ve
been in a cave for the past week, Obama won)  and was from Dutch
Sheets, who is a big deal in prophetic and apostolic circles these
days.  The entire email can be easily found if you Google “Dutch Sheets
election response.”  I have to admit, this email got me pretty
incensed, which is hard to do…  but let me point out a couple of
things that I felt I needed to reassure those who have read his
response and those that think that we are in big trouble because of the
U.S.  election results:

1. A quote: “Was what happened Tuesday God’s will?  I am quite confident it was not. “ 
WHAT?!?  This was the eighth and ninth sentences in the email, so I’m
thinking they were an important point of his statement.  –Let me
assure you, God is STILL in control here, folks.  Dutch thinks he can
diminish God because he is depressed that his big prophetic statements
didn’t come to pass…  Let me remind Dutch and all of us: “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” Romans 13.1

2. Another short quote and paraphrase: “God’s patience and mercy …
will change to a degree and judgment will now increase” for those who
supported Obama, and therefor, for all of America.   “What Can We
Expect? [a list of judgments is included in his email!] – Death and Disease (satan… will have greater inroads to this nation) [?!?], – Terrorism,  -War (perhaps on our own soil) [and the list goes on…]   
Because Dutch believes things did not go God’s way, God is mad, and now
God will hurt and destroy those He is angry with for not backing
Dutch’s candidate.  Let me assure you, that God is worried less about
the President of the United States than about the lost, the poor, the
orphan, and the widow.

3. A quote: “Like many, believing I had many promises and
confirmations that God would ‘grace’ us with a pro-life president in
this election, I failed to consider strongly enough that all
promises-even scripture-are conditional 99.9% of the time.” 
like to see your scripture references that say that God’s promises are
conditional 99.9% of the time.   Because they’re not in my Bible.
“Whatever God has promised gets stamped with the Yes of Jesus.” 2
Corinthians 1:20 (TM)

4. Finally, this entire email is predicated on the supposition that
the 2008 U.S. presidential election was the culmination of all
history.  Again, God is bigger than presidents, He’s bigger than
elections, and He’s bigger than the United States.  (gasp!)  God does not cease to work or to bless or to give grace because of the actions of a nation of this world.

All I know is that God IS in control, and he is coming back for a
glorious church.  And I intend to help clean up the church so that when
He returns, he won’t be returning to crumbling facades but instead for
radicals who are willing to lay down their lives.  Dutch (as those in
his “stream”) will watch by the sidelines so they can say “I told you
so” at various intervals.  But in the end, they’re going to watch from
the bleachers while the glorious church, the bride, gets its

What will an Obama presidency mean for America?  That’s a subject for a later blog…
(oh, and Happy Veterans Day…)