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Hearn Family Update – 2009

and nine
has probably been one of the most challenging years for
the Hearn family, but we can absolutely say it’s been the best.It is a liberating thing, to be in the center
of God’s will. Rebecca and I often lie
in bed at night and review how busy and draining our days have been. Then we tell each other how we wouldn’t
change it for the world. 

Hearn family 2009A year ago, we were in the process of selling
about three-quarters of everything we owned, and stuffing the rest into a
container for the trip over the Atlantic. We had no idea where we would be living in a months’ time, hardly knew
any Spanish, didn’t have enough financial support raised to live from, and had
one person signed up for the school–but knew that what we were about to
pioneer was our calling and passion. We
also knew it was going to be an amazing test for our family. We had no idea.

ahead 11 months: We live in a beautiful
Spanish village, have friends in the community, know Spanish enough to talk to
the locals on the street (but still need to learn more!), our kids are in
Spanish school and flourishing, and we have had 8 graduates and admitted over
20 interns for the Winter 2010 term! 

I am directing the G42 Leadership Academy (
here in Mijas, in the very southern tip of Spain. I split my time teaching, leading, and doing
the back office work for the Academy. Just recently for example, I led a team of interns to Barcelona to do some work for
an inner-city ministry called “El Lokal.” They have a great concept of “church”-they are a youth
center/school/church that is reaching out to the youth of this city. El Lokal is just one of the examples of
ministries we are networking with to provide opportunities for our trainees to
serve, learn, and lead.

The kids are also doing great-the girls are
in the top of their classes in the local Spanish school, really enjoy school
and have a lot of friends. 
Both of them are well
on their way to being fluent, and correct us all the time.  Gabriella is
quite appalled at our accent!  They bring a very different atmosphere
to the center, and they love being with the interns and bring a lot of
is-finally!-beginning to talk and is always bringing joy to us and the staff
and interns at the Leadership Academy.

We can’t thank you
enough for your support and encouragement this past year.
   Your help with our vision to train and disciple
leaders has enabled us to pioneer something we believe is earth-changing. We are developing adults who have strong
passions and callings into leaders who are ready to “Say Amen and Make a Plan”
and then go to some rough places to establish churches, ministries, and
businesses to have a positive impact on the world. Already our graduates have started a home
church, are leading and discipling teams of young adults (and replicating
themselves!) on world-wide missions trips, and are building a ministry to
prostitutes in the Costa del Sol. 
We are expecting some exciting new ventures this
next year from our current interns, not only in church planting and ministries,
but practical businesses like a honey farm, a bed and breakfast, and a church-café. 
Spend a few days here and you can’t help but get excited about the
future.  We are just grateful to be a part


We are
excited to see what 2010 will bring! Thank you for your support and please keep in touch,

Dave, Rebecca, Emma, Gabriella, and Benjamin Hearn

One comment

  1. So, I happened to search the internet with my name (Rebecca Hearn) and it showed me this website. I think it’s really phenomenal that God showed me a blog where someone with the same name is in Spain doing His will and making an awesome difference there. The really ironic twist is that I have always loved Spanish culture & have been unable to really absorb the language (and far from able to make the long-dreamed of trip to Spain)… and recently a friend of mine was supposed to be heading over to Spain with G42 and felt God leading her to back out very last minute. Anyway, I just found it awesome that God led me to this page to see your family and that there are some Hearns in Spain reaching the people there. Maybe one day, when I have enough money to make the trip, I can venture over to Spain finally and see what you all do! I’ve had a hard time finding missionaries to Spain through my church that I can identify with. It just blesses my heart to see your blog & what you’re doing there! Keep on making a difference in the lives of those in Spain… I’ll keep you all in my prayers.

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